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    Who Moved My Cheese Book Cover

    Who Moved My Cheese?

    Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson is just a 92 page book but one that comes packed with good information for people who find themselves or their organization in a rapidly changing environment. The only constant in life is change. Expect change and not only can you survive it but thrive in it.

    Who Moved My Cheese?

    Core Values

    List of Core Values

    Acceptance Accomplishment Accountability Achievement Adaptability Ambition Assertiveness Attentive Balance Beauty Bravery Brilliance Calm Careful Cleanliness Comfort Commitment Common sense Communication Compassion Concentration Confidence Consistency Connection Consciousness Contribution Control Creativity Curiosity Decisiveness Determination Devotion Dignity Discipline Discovery Effectiveness Efficiency Empathy Empower Enthusiasm Excellence Famous Fearless Focus Freedom Friendship Generosity Grace Gratitude Growth Happiness Hard Working Harmony

    List of Core Values